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Welcome to S-T-E-D-E, my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging content. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps S-T-E-D-E will ignite your own passions as well.

I am dedicating this to my kids - Justin & Samantha who always support me and encourage me. 

Also to Scarlet who inspires me to be a better person. #NonniesLadyBug and now my newest little Grand - Baby Jameson who is so sweet and wonderful. Being Nonnie to these two is such a huge blessing! 

NOTE: All Scriptures are from

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I Won the Lottery – Got the Golden Key

I did – I won the Lottery!! How much you ask? The whole enchilada! I got the best of the best.  I did not win money, I got something...

Feels like Wits End

I was having a conversation with someone I love recently, she is in a tough spot right now. Her Mom passed away several years ago and her...

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y The Battle cry

A devastating event has happened. How do you react? Good question huh? How you react can determine you mindset on lots of events going...

But When You Do…

God Said to Adam, eat from any tree, eat all you want. Just don’t eat from this certain tree. It was the tree of knowledge – knowledge of...

All About Your Patience

All about how you view it… All about if you have patience… It could have been ruined, if we let it. It could have just turned so...

Dwell on This

Thinking about times when a situation just plain gets the best of me. I get on the going in circles “reaction train” and going in circles...

His Faithful Servant

Photo Above: Aunt Lee (L), Mom (M), Aunt Mary (R) 2012 In 1980, I was 17 years old. We lived on the East Coast. I had flown to Texas for...

God Nudge

This may sound weird but stay with me and I’ll explain – hopefully - in a way you can fully understand what I’m saying. A God nudge – my...

The Greatest Thing I’ve Ever Done

I know all Mom’s and Dads for the most part of proud of their children. I know most are biased and I admit I am too. I have also tried to...

Seize the Pray

It’s on my heart lately about prayers. My prayers, how many I’ve prayed, who are they for, what are they for, how often do I pray, how...


(Sidenote: it's been a long time, many things going on at years end last year. Sorry for not posting more. Will try this year to do...

What You Give vs What You Get

In the old days, when original scripture was written, the “gifts” offered to God were usually in the form of Gold, Silver, then there...

After You Have Suffered a Little While

Talking to someone who has known me for years, the conversation went to myself and some things I’ve been through these last few years....

Tribute to a Great Lady

My heart is heavy, my thoughts are many. I did not know her really well but I knew her well enough that she left a mark on my heart. Not...


What is your race? What is mine? How long have you run your race? I’ve been running mine since 2003… How much longer until you are at the...

If He Came Back Today

I heard a sermon this morning that reminded me of something that happened in my life years ago. I was pretty new in my faith but I was on...

Hedge of Protection

What a perfect verse. How nay times over the course of a lifetime have we (Me) (you) prayed for protection for ourselves or someone else....

Memorial Day 2023

In the words of Christ Kyle about serving - "you write a check up to and including your life." for those who did - I thank you, I honor...

Protect Me, Her, Him, Them

Lord, please protect me, protect my Grandchildren from any harm or sadness. Protect my kids from negativity, harm and bad things, Please...

Why You Need to Tell Your Story

When you think about “your story” “My Story”, telling it. What does that look like? Your story is supposed to be what your life was like...

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