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What are you putting out there?

Part of the reason I started this blog is as a forum to get my book published. The other part which has become so much more important is to encourage others, to try to be good and wise council to give a bit of advice here and there – why, why would I want to give unsolicited advice, well because there are some things that really need to be said some things that are necessary to be said – especially these days. I want to be really intentional about what I’m putting out in the universe.

Job 15:2-3 2 “Would a wise person answer with empty notions or fill their belly with the hot east wind? 3 Would they argue with useless words, with speeches that have no value?

Proverbs 1: 1-7 The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: 2 for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; 3 for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair; 4 for giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young— 5 let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance— 6 for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools[c] despise wisdom and instruction.

Doing something “just because” is fine, doing something with a purpose is better. When you say something do you say it just to have something to say? Do you talk in circles? Maybe you are more like Jesus and speak in parables. Speaking of Jesus and His parables, I am doing a study on this and right now just diving in so I might change my mind on this but for now I am thinking He spoke in parables to promote remembering. If He said it in a different way then maybe folks would remember better, I believe He wanted His teachings to be sustainable – he had huge intentionality.

I never gave much thought to being someone who was wise or council but when I stepped in to leading a Bible Study group I quickly found out that there were some people in the group who viewed me as someone who was wise and discerning, I admit at first I found this daunting, who am I to lead these people in Bible Study what do I know. The material made it easy and as time went by I relied on my own Godly council for assurance to walk it out the right way. God knows my heart, He knew my heart then too and He knows I would not ever speak with malice but only with love – Tell the truth in love – always a big one for HomeTeam.

It’s funny because I remember thinking how much I wanted discernment and thought I did not have any. I think most people have a certain degree of it but just don’t know that’s what it is or may not listen to it often. I know that I didn’t realize it until much later. At least I did recognize it and it is not that I didn’t want to be Godly council to others, I got concerned sometimes that I was telling them the right thing. If I am going to talk to someone about the “faith” part of something I better be able to back it up – I thought I needed a Biblical answer to everything. The truth is having a place to look in scripture is really helpful when/if you need the backup. I had this spiral book that I collected scriptures in and titled them for what occasion they were for – “Faith”, “Weary”, “Trust”, etc. I wanted to have one for every occasion and I was ready and then a friend told me this – If you are talking to someone they might not always want just what the Bible tells, you should and can use that as backup but most of the time they want to hear from you. Well that makes sense.

So back to the original topic – what are you putting out there – There is enough garbage going on in this world. When I was a kid I think between the 60’s to the 80’s there were maybe a handful of huge events like school shootings, at least that’s my memory, there might have been more but I just don’t remember hearing. I remember 1 between that time and the University of Texas. Now it seems mass shootings happen often. It’s so sad too. Riots are another one. looting and rioting is not what we are supposed to do. Oh I think stand up for yoru rights for sure but not at the expense of others. You don’t go smash someone’s business windows because you are near them and you’re mad. This is not how civilized people act and certainly not what God wants from us. That is not showing any form of love.

It’s time friends, it’s time to flood the world with what is needed, it’s time to make love and living this life God’s way a priority. Showing those who don’t otherwise know how it needs to be. Fueling Love not hate, showing love in the face of hate. Letting the light shine instead of the darkness lingering. I’m done with dark LET THE LIGHT SHINE – let’s put LOVE OUT THERE.

Dear Heavenly Father, show us the right way to be the light, to stand for what You say we should stand for and to stop the ugly and hate filled things in this world. Help show us how. With our thanks - Amen

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