What is enlightened? Why would we want to be enlightened? It is to be aware. In these current times we should be aware. Aware of what is happening in this world, aware of the goodness out there, aware of the dangers out there and aware of what God’s take on things is. I love a statement my Pastor made in his recent podcast. Instead of looking at the gas pump and asking – is the virus on the keypad, is the virus on the nozzle, is the virus on the door handle of the station. Rather ask where is God in all this. Great point. Now I’m not saying just run right out and act as if nothing is wrong. Please do use caution in dealing with this virus. I think we also need to think about our neighbors too.
Ephesians 1:18-19 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
I believe God wants us to be aware – enlightened about what happens and is happening in this world. I believe He is greatly saddened at the loss of life and the sickness happening. So here is my practical advice if you are prepared to listen.
You cannot and will not be able to be the hands and feet of Christ if you are unwell and sick.
Please take proper precaution when going out and about. Wash your hands or sanitize them. It is fine if you are not overly concerned for yourself, I just ask you to consider others. Additionally, consider how you can do for others. Don’t buy all the toilet paper or other goods just because you can. There may be people that have not been paid and had an opportunity to shop yet. I was personally trying to get groceries yesterday. I elected to do a pickup and sure enough of the 4 items I was really wanting I only got 1, so I decided to run over to another store. Let me tell you – seeing the shelves empty was so sad. There was not even 1 loaf of bread. No ground meat at all. Of the milk there were 3 gallons – that’s it and the rest was Goats Milk. When I went down the toilet paper aisle there was none, not even a napkin, I wasn’t happy about it for myself but I immediately went to folks that are higher risk than me, older folks, that might not have been yet. I had a friend offer to get those 3 other items for me and trust me - that's such a good blessing!
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask Your blessings over all reading this and specifically ask for health, joy and love for each person and the family they represent. Father, help each of us manage the things happening today in the way You would have us manage. Lord hear our prayers for a fast stop to this virus. We thank You for all our blessings. - Amen