This one could be a bit more information (than she might want me to share) for those who know the parties involved, but it’s necessary to give information so this devotional can reach and do the most good to those who are in need.
I have a heart for parents, I have a big heart for single parents especially because I was one of those for 20 years. My daughter was 3 days past her second birthday when I became a single parent. The next twenty years were not always easy, they were a downright struggle at times and heartbreaking too. oh there were good times too, don’t get me wrong but as humans don’t we remember the struggles sometimes with the most clarity?
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 NLT 8 We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. 9 We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.

Every parent faces struggles, some more so than others. Have little kids (under the age of 5) and having multiples under this age in my opinion is both a joy and a stressor. Let me stop right here and add in a moment of sheer joy. I have a 6 month old grandson and a 3 year old granddaughter. On Sunday I was holding my grandson on my left knee, bouncing and laughing because he is now vocal and interactive with his smiles and his nods. Then my granddaughter climbed up on my right knee. I’m tickled pink and when he put his head on my shoulder, she did the same. I tell you I thought my heart was going to thump out of my chest in pride, in love so much so to the point of not being able to move or speak. I just sat there and soaked in all 10 seconds of it and cherished it like I never would have it again. Granddaughter was really connecting with baby brother this day and her climbing on my knee to play peek-a-boo was yet another sample of play time. He loves it, it makes him giggle and he does so with a sweet voice and a genuine laugh from his belly – much like his Mom. I remember times when we would be together – even in a large group – and if that girl started laughing it would just undo me from whatever I was in the middle of. I lost all focus and just laughed along with her.
Now that my grands are both old enough to laugh and genuinely laugh I find this to be a weakness for me as well. There just does not get much better than a genuine belly laugh. So moving on with my topic. My daughter has two children under age 5, they are both in a time period of needing immunizations and regular doctor visits. Having a trusted pediatric doctor is paramount at this age. I found my daughters doctor when she was in grade school and we saw her until not long after her eighteenth birthday. I mean I loved this doctor and if she was still practicing my grands would see her too but she quit several years before they were born.
My daughter did find her and ask her for a recommendation. That doctor became the Go To for my grands until recently. Moving insurance from Mom to Dads employer caused a situation where the GOTO is not a doctor on the plan so they have to find someone new.

I have to stop another moment to say, my daughter is a wonderful Mom, she’s only been at it a bit over three years and already she is doing a fine job. My granddaughter is smart, silly, loving and sometimes bossy. She’s just got a ton of personality and I love it. She made her own baby food with the first one and plan to on this one as well when he gets to that stage. She reads information on “transitions” of her children, what to expect and what it looks like. This helps her be ready for the steps and yes she realizes that all children are different, not all go through the leaps at the same time or in the same way. She just wants to be ready versus being in the dark. You know – it’s the information age.
So now being faced with having to find a new doctor, my daughter is somewhat stressed, both kids need shots. This routine is nothing new but for a Mom who is not a fan of needles herself and then a toddler who doesn’t want shots either this is a situation, not to mention with a whole new staff plus doctor. As you can imagine she is anticipating all the new and the kids’ emotions and her own.
We need to pray, she prays. I pray protection over my kids (daughter and son in law) and my grands every night. I ask God to protect them for health, bless them physically and financially. I know God moves on my requests. So I know this has been on her heart for a week now. Trying to look for and determine what doctor and office would be the best or at least a good one. She is calling and talking to them about her insurance and would the doctor visits be covered, could she get them in soon because they both should be seen soon for the routine visit and shots. So today she is on the phone with a local place and has gone through some of the staff trying to find out if they would be covered. She is not getting far so she is put through to another staff person who asks questions about insurance, the kids – names, ages, etc. and then she asks for my daughter’s name – answers – Oh hey this is ___ ___. I am not putting her name because I don’t have permission to use it. This girl is someone my daughter went to school with. They were actually pretty good friends while they were in school together. What a relief. She KNOWS someone there.
Now I don’t know about you – but we both took this as a great sign from God to understand He was on the job. He was in the middle of all of this. He was answering her questions and concerns. What better way than with someone she knows. This gives me such peace I am not sure I can explain it. like a huge intake of breath and hold it – hold it – and hold more. Then after feeling like you’ve held it past the point of no more – you let out that enormous breath of relief. You are able to exhale completely and breathe normal again. Feels like it’s been a week since you’ve been able to just breathe.

Oh Lord, thank You so much for the provision of a new doctor and staff. Thank You for the gift of her knowing someone in this office. I just ask that you be in the appointments, the billing and the time my family is there. Please just give my girl peace enough to be a calming force for her children, let them feel Mom’s peace and take it on. Just please be there with them and I thank You, I ask all things in Jesus Name - AMEN
That is God. Wow amazing and she new the person.❤️