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God Be With You

Matthew 11:28-30 AMP “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

In a recent conversation I talked about trauma, old things that gurgle back up time and again. It’s annoying for these things to creep back up and sting again, as if the original sting wasn’t good enough. How sometimes the simplest thing causes deep trauma, deep hurt. Damage that seemingly will never heal or stop hurting. Why….I think they dredge up because it’s God reminding you that you need to deal with them, with His help and be done once and for all. Let the lessons remain but the hurt and damage be gone and done.

There’s been enough trauma in our lives, in my life. So because I don’t want anything else ripped or stripped away, I need to decide what stays and what goes in my life. This is what I need. This is what I want. I’d like a little more “God be with you” in my goodbyes so they can be done – final. As I have decided for 2023, my word will be FREEDOM. I want to be free from all things that drag me down and slow my progress.

So the work - I picture Jesus’ hands. I mentally started placing all the memories, one by one, into His strong, carpentry-calloused, nail-pierced, grace-gripped hands. I asked the Lord to help me whisper “God be with you” over each memory. It doesn’t settle everything, it is a start, and I believe that Jesus is working in me and healing my heart.

I want this for you, too, however this translates within the context of your pain, those pictures, those memories, those times, I want that same freedom for you as well. Take them – those old hurts, harsh words, traumatic instances and lay them in the hands of Jesus. Trust that He will handle them once and for all. You don’t have to pick them back up, experience the hurt again. He wants your peace and happiness – free of those old hurts. He is a carpenter, He can take the old scared up ugly and make something wonderful and new from it, we just need to give it to HIM.

Give these up for your end of year – TO DO- all finished done and done

Oh Jesus, please help us say goodbye to things we don’t need going in to this next year. Help us have that fresh start for 2023. Be with us while we do the work to be done once and for all. We thank You for Your help. In All things Pray in Jesus Name. AMEN

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