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There is nothing better than the room lights dim and the music beginning. Hearing a song you know and love…. The words to this one just reach me… so I close my eyes and I lift my hands to the Lord and I sing along, sometimes I cry, sometimes I just smile, sometimes I just listen and hold my hand over my heart because it’s really reaching me. It’s worship and it’s many times my favorite part of Church. I love messages especially a good one, but oh the worship. Now I could stop here and tell you a list of favorites but I’m going to narrow it down to one today. Here are some of the lyrics of one song that reaches me every time I hear it.

It’s by Casting Crowns if you wonder and the name of the song is Glorious Day. Here are the lyrics…

… One day when Heaven was filled with His praises One day when sin was as black as could be Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin Dwelt among men, my example is He Word became flesh and the light shined among us His glory revealed

… Living, He loved me, Dying, He saved me Buried, He carried my sins far away Rising, He justified freely forever One day He's coming Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

… One day they led Him up Calvary's mountain One day they nailed Him to die on a tree Suffering anguish, despised and rejected Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree And took the nails for me

It’s a wonderful song and for me it reaches down in my soul and sets me afire for Jesus and I just want to soak up the music, the words, the meaning and the sweet time with Jesus singing and praising His name.

For many years now, I first imagined grand children, I imagined them running down the hall calling to me saying, “guess what I learned about Jesus today”, seeing them love worship music like I do. I will see those things come about I am sure of it.

This past weekend I was helping my daughter and so we ended up watching our church service from home. We have viewed it enough times that my grand daughter who is 2 ½ knows what Church is and what worship is. She LOVES worship music and loves to get in the middle of it. Well this weekend I was able to snap a photo of her – worshiping.

NOTE: You can't see it but the TV is on the white shelf to the left of her.

2 Chronicles 7:3 When all the Israelites saw the fire coming down and the glory of the Lord above the temple, they knelt on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave thanks to the Lord, saying, “He is good; his love endures forever.”

What better gift to give children and grandchildren than the gift of the good news of Jesus. Raising them up in a Christ centered home. I believe in that totally. I got my daughter and myself involved, neither of us were really young, well she was 13 but I was pushing 40 so it was time. My son-in-law was raised in church as well so it stands to reason their children will know Jesus.

I’m going to share another one: this is Humble Plea by Fellowship Creative. I’ve loved this song since I first heard it. I came to love it even more because it seemed like many of the times they played it at service my daughter was standing beside me and she sings so very good, it is a special treat to hear her sing this song loud and proud. Gives me chills…here you go

Humble Plea – Fellowship Creative

Hear, oh Lord, my humble plea Listen to my cry Give Your ear to hear my prayer And answer me Oh Lord, answer me

May the words that I speak And the thoughts that I meditate on be pleasing to You

Here's my humble plea Take all that's in me Let it be Yours for Your glory Cause You are all I need So take all that's in me Let it be Yours for Your glory

Deny myself the selfishness That used to rule my skin It became my flesh until I confessed My need and brokenness for you

So may the words that I speak And the thoughts that I meditate on be pleasing to you

Here's my humble plea Take all that's in me And let it be Yours for Your glory Cause You are all I need So take all that's in me And let it be Yours for Your glory

My flesh may fail me Heart may fail me Everything I have may fail me My only hope is resting at your feet

Here's my humble plea Take all that's in me And let it be Yours for Your glory Cause You are all I need So take all that's in me And let it be Yours for Your glory

If you would like to hear this one please go to:

You will like it too I am sure. Amazing song. I’d love nothing more than to put my girl on stage and let her sing it to the masses. I know I would be loving it all the way through then clapping excitedly as she was done.

Worship is so so good. Even in my car, now I try not to close my eyes but I sure do sing loud when I play worship music in the car. Loud enough that I might scare my fellow drivers if I roll down the windows. It’s all good though.

Dear Heavenly Father – Grateful to You for worship music. Grateful for my girl and my grand daughter loving it too. Please always put the music where we need it to keep us up and on fire. In Jesus Name I pray - AMEN

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