We all can pray, we all pray, we all do many things when we pray. Once you are finished what do you expect next? Prayer is action, prayer takes patience, prayer needs to work things out. Prayer is a verb, it’s an action thing. Pray without ceasing, prayers, petitions, asking – verb. Giving Thanks – verb, expecting – verb. In your action things do you believe, have faith? Do you know that you know that God will answer this prayer? Would you be upset if He didn’t answer it in the way you want? If you are unsure – why? I’ve always believed that part of the prayer process are asking, thanking, yielding and believing then knowing, trusting, being sure that God is on the job, and beyond that trusting that if your prayer was not His best for you and your life that He would bring that best instead. It’s a win – win.
In the scripture below, Simon was a fisherman by trade, he knew the water and he knew fish and habits, this day they had come up short, more than short, nothing. The fish were not to be had this day. He believed in Jesus, he said “if you say so”. I am doubtful because we got nothing today all day but you are God and I’ll obey, I will believe, I will have faith. Sure enough – fish.

Luke 5: 4-6 4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” 5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” 6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
James 5:16 says … The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Do you believe that? Do you know that you have that kind of prayer power? As our faith

Father God wants us to pray and believe. Notice that after I said He wants us to believe there is a period it does not say when you feel like it believe or when you know it’s a good solid prayer, it says He wants us to believe –trust and pray. So does your prayer life look?
Let’s Spend some time Praying here…
Dear Heavenly Father – it’s time to pray so P is Praise, Lord we are so grateful for the gift of Jesus and that He could calm the waters and bring the fish even on a day when there were not fish to be had. We praise You for always providing for us. R is for Repent, Lord we are sinner we know, I hope I can speak for the majority reading this to say it’s not an on purpose thing, we truly want to live the sin free life, we ask Your forgiveness for those sins. A is Ask, Lord we come to you humbly and ask for You to help us in our prayer time, to seek out Your best for us and to be thankful for what we know You will bring, Your best for us. Let us be patient when things don’t happen in our time. Y is for Yield, we fall under Your authority Lord and thank You for that love, authority and guidance.
We are so very thankful Lord for Your love and grace. We pray all things in Jesus Name - Amen
