Have you ever gone shopping for new clothes? Of course you have. While shopping (unlike me – normally – because going in person to shop is not my thing, now shopping for someone else in person – oh heck yes, but I’m usually an online go to the website shop for clothes type person. ) have you found that perfect shirt and put it on. Fits great, looks great, see in the mirror its just right. Just the right color, shape… you might have even not thought it would be this good on the hanger. Putting on that new shirt that is good and pleasing and makes you feel good – yep I can see you now looking in the mirror (Gosh I look great!!! Wow)…. it’s like putting on our new self. Great feeling.
Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above
Colossians 3:1-3 3 Therefore if you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, sharing in His resurrection from the dead], keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value]. 3 For you died [to this world], and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God.
Getting your mind there, focusing habitually on things above…To keep yourself sharp and in tuned with what God wants from us day in and day out.
Therefore if you have been raised with Christ – that portion of the scripture is very meaningful to me especially in the way it’s put because when I was baptized I had to go through some classes beforehand to be sure I understood why to get baptized and what exactly it means. Just so we are all on the same page I’ll tell you some of what was taught to us so you understand why I feel how I do. (note here – this is my belief, I agree with the teaching I got about baptism – I am not saying that anyone who thinks different or did it different is wrong) First when you get baptized it is an outward expression of your faith, (its not something you wait until you are spiritually mature to do – its an early outward sign) it is a way to say – Hey – I am a Jesus girl!!! When you get baptized you should be fully emerged and here is why, because when you are above water you are as you are – once you go under the water – the former you dies and you raise out of that water as a new creation. So being raised with Christ has a large meaning for me because when I raised up out of that water I knew – my sins were washed away because of Jesus dying on the cross for me and then by getting baptized - I am a Christ Follower. In doing so I got what Pastor called – “Liquid swagger”…grin. That always makes me laugh. My new creation – dunk date – baptism - was November 16th 2003. It certainly took me a while to get there but I tell you – once I did…wow…It was a wonderful day, pretty cold but the sun came out that day and was high in the sky. My daughter and I were baptized with 23 friends and family in attendance. One of the high points of my life. Getting baptized with my daughter was an extra special event. There are not sufficient words to describe how excited we were to do this and how much we both knew deep in our souls that it was what we wanted to do. I love being that sure!!
This topic makes me think too of a cold winter day when you just can’t seem to get the chill off and you pick up a thick warm jacket and put it on. Warmth floods all over and you feel so good, warm, comforted and content. That’s how I think of putting that New Self On is about. It’s how I feel about the love of Christ and how He loves and guides me. I need to own that and wear that every single day.
Dear Heavenly Father
I thank You for our baptism day and the great witnesses to it and how we felt. Thank You for providing that all great feeling we get when we press in to You and Your word. I pray blessings on all those reading this and their family. In Jesus Most perfect Name – Amen.