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I’ve been pretty passionate about plenty of things in my lifetime. I’ve also argued my side, or pleaded my case on many of those things I am especially passionate about. It’s good to believe that you know and KNOW something. Feel so sure there is no doubt. How many things can we feel that about in this lifetime?

Imagine a world of LIKE MINDED, one mind people, who understand and know that God is good, that Jesus was and is the Messiah, the One through who we will be able to meet God one day. Then when we are all like-minded we will be that one voice shouting praises from the rooftops to the valleys. What a sound that would be. When in unison we speak of the good news of Jesus.

Romans 15:5-6 NIV May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

I am passionate about my faith, I’m passionate about writing, I’m passionate about family and my friends, I am pretty passionate about chocolate – didn’t see that coming did you – it’s the truth though. I think you’d call me pretty fierce when it comes to me being passionate about something. I will defend it to the depths. Is that not how Jesus wants us to be?

The enemy, the thief, the downward dude, satan is also something I am passionate about – soundly putting him in his place and keeping him firmly there and nowhere else. I want him to leave me and mine alone. Sadly that is not always the case.

John 10:10 10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows.

This week is a perfect example of him coming at me on all fronts. It seems like everything I do this week, he keeps getting in my way. Day before yesterday he was after me big time. I was trying to get some things done and he stopped me and got me to the point of frustration. Now thankfully as sure as he was there – so was God. God has His angels He sends to surround us, He also has special messengers. See He knew I was in trouble so He sent me a messenger right in the middle of the challenges that evening. I was trying to get my computer to do something that normally would be super simple and not an issue at all but in my flustered state it was not happening.

My phone rang and in haste – I looked and wanted to answer it but dang if I didn’t hit END and then had to turn around and dial that person again, apologizing for hitting the wrong button. Seeing WHO it was I knew – Oh God send – so I explain that I’m in the middle of this and I’m getting attacked so – my friend, the God sent messenger – stopped me and prayed over me.

So get back mister enemy and get gone because we are busy here and don’t need to deal with the likes of you. Not day and by the way – tomorrow is not looking good for you either so just stay gone. Thanks… bye bye

See I’m not the only one passionate, God sent me someone who saw my need in that moment and was the hands and feet of Jesus. Is passionate about prayer, about being a friend, about being a Jesus girl so she prayed for me.

Thank God she did! Not saying the enemy is not still after me – oh he is but I’m armed and dangerous (passionate) about fending him off so I can get on with this.


Thank You God for endurance and encouragement. Thank You for helping us stay fierce and passionate, thank You for special people you place in our lives for just this need. Thank You for mercy – grace and Love. In Jesus Most Precious Name - AMEN

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May 20, 2021

Annie this really says it. Awesome💕

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