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Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

Ephesians 6:10 NIV Finally, be strong in the Lord and His mighty power.

I have had this ongoing dream. I see my older – school aged Granddaughter running towards me. She is excited and talking to me as she runs my way. ‘Nana, Nana, Guess what I learned today in Church about Jesus, Jesus Loves ME!”

She is now at the age where she understands better that the Bible is something good. That Jesus is good, that God is good. Last night when I was face-timing her, she went over to pickup some books so I could read or so she could show me. She picked up the Bible I gave her as a newborn. I wanted to give her an easy Bible so she could learn some stories fast and early. She likes the pictures and every night Mom and Dad read a short story to her. Last night when she picked it up I sang to her – Jesus loves me this I know. Samantha started singing with me.

It makes me happy that my daughter and son want Scarlet to know the Bible. I think that is just about the best thing ever. I know that someday my dream will happen. Just like last weekend when we were praying and I heard her saying the prayer along with her parents, then at the end she said “Men” for Amen. Maybe she doesn’t all the way understand God and Jesus and prayers at age 2 but she knows it’s time to pray, she holds hands and sometimes repeats the prayer

I believe she understands love and I know in time she will know how much Jesus loves her. We were singing it to her the other night and I got a kick out of it because Sam and I were trying to sing it and she was finishing my lines.

In my facebook feed it said this day 9 years ago he was baptized which is a great memory for me. So I was looking at his first day of school photo and I had to zoom in, and there it was a necklace with a cross on it. I remember when this young man was just 5 months old coming to Hometeam for the first time. Then he is baptized and now he is in high school. This makes me sincerely happy to see all these parents who at the time they were in Hometeam were single parents trying to figure out life, faith and just moving forward. For those parents to put their children in church, keep taking them and it to resonate with them is the best gift you can get.

I remember the day when she was about 13 years old we did the “Dad ring ceremony”, I had to buy a ring from the book store and give it to her, she would wear it on her left ring finger symbolizing her promise to keep herself pure until marriage. The whole pomp and circumstance was really very cool and I was so proud of my daughter for being interested, for following through and having the heart for Jesus this way. For taking it seriously at 13. That same day we found out her cousin was pregnant and only 1 year older, at 14 she was going to have a baby. I was sad for her loss of childhood by becoming a Mom so early.

Train them up in the ways of the Lord and they won’t depart from it. Your word I have hidden in my heart so I won’t forget. These things go through my mind about my own Granddaughter and any additional grandbabies there will be. Will they all love Jesus. I think YES indeed if I have anything to say about it.

Dear Heavenly Father, Just a Thank You for helping us train them up in Your ways. Thank You for them and for their love for you. Amen

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Sep 11, 2020

Scarlet is going know her bible. Wonderful blog

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