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I have this Thorn…It’s in my Side

This is Paul speaking, he is talking about a thorn he has and what he first thought about it then what he came to think. Read the scripture then we’ll get right in the middle of this one.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (Message) 7-10 Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me, My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.

His strength shows up in our weakness. There are a bunch of ways to view this scripture. Let’s cover some of them. First you can look at it as – oh hey, it’s ok to have weaknesses. You know as a kid I heard “Pull yourself up by your boot straps – buck it up” “Big girls don’t cry” and I bought in to all of it and jumped on that band wagon. Be tough, don’t ever let them see you down or upset. But this tells us these are God given. The weakness is a gift, something God given. We need to not be sorry about it.

Another view point is about having a handicap to stop you from getting a big head. Boy keeping in constant touch with limitations. Getting them pushed in your face. That doesn’t sound like any fun what-so-ever. Seems like a good way to get yourself depressed. Then again – you just have to ask – What is God doing here, why does He want me to focus on this. A limitation is a gift. It’s all in how you view it.

The last and I think most important is the last statement – I just let Christ take over! So the weaker I get, the stronger I become. The thing he is saying is this, you go ahead and walk out the negative things, the problems, because if you will truly press in to ME, then I’ll bring you through this and you will end up being better on the other side. Many times too I know Christian folks get to a point in faith where they are “good” and the reliance on God is not in the forefront. Sometimes these oppositions are Gods way of tapping you (me) on the shoulder and saying “excuse me – rely on ME, not yourself”. You can have all the scripture knowledge, all the discernment, all the full of faith in the world but without God’s hand on you – none of it is very useful.

I go back to another of my favorite scriptures – James 1: 2-4 (Msg) 2-4 Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. The first time I read that I thought – are you nuts? Consider it a gift? Joy? Wait WHAT? There is no way. The further along I get and the more I experience I know it IS a good thing. I do want to be mature and well-developed, so yep, I’ll press through the stuff.

At the very beginning of the scripture Paul talks about getting a big head. Being too cocky and full of himself. The PRIDE-RIDE, oh lets go there. I’m going to be very transparent here because I feel like I need to in order to flesh this out. Several years ago I lost my job, I was laid off. This was the 2nd time in a 5 year period of time. It could not have happened at a worse time. The first time my daughter was a senior of High School, also not a convenient time. The second time was about a month before she was getting married. I remember the day all too well. I called my daughter to tell her and she asked me to meet her at home, we piled in the car and went on an expedition. She was doing lots of DIY (do it yourself) projects for her wedding and so we headed first off to Joann the fabric / craft store to get more supplies. I love shopping but had to be careful with funds of course. The second place was to the venue where they would be married. I had not seen it in person so it was nice to be able to do that. See being off afforded me to do a few things with my daughter that I might not have otherwise been able to do.

Now about the job hunt, this time seemed very different perhaps it had something to do with me being almost 50 this time. Would people want someone this old? I didn’t really doubt that but it did enter my mind. So I am looking and some these jobs keep coming up for $13.00 per hour. I remember passing them swiftly and I totally remember my reasoning – “Oh I am NOT taking a $13.00 an hour job – I am worth so much more and have made more” Well there I was with a big ole head about how much money I needed or should make. The job hunting went on and on.. on and on…on and on…. and … seemed endless by the time it was over… 1 month shy of a YEAR, yes I said it a year after I was laid off, I was not getting a ton of nibbles or interviews. I felt like I had exhausted all my possibilities and the new ones were just not coming. I was getting desperate. I started really questioning myself and did some serious gut checking. At this point that $13.00 per hour was looking better and better because this is January of the next year and my unemployment ended in December just a week before Christmas – wow that was a tough blow. Talk about a thorn, God sincerely did some work on me in this time. The job I ended up landing was not looking good on paper – it was a 2 fold job – I would be at the office full time hours, however, part of the day was part time for 1 company and the 2nd part of the day was contract for the sister company. This is part time so no benefits, no days off, no insurance, and I have to keep up with taxes on the contract job. Not the best scenario but I’ll tell you God knew what He was doing – of course He did. Having this job and doing it for a few years afforded me being in the perfect position to make the jump to the sister company full time with benefits when the lady left who was doing that position.

Five years later, I have a job (with benefits and days off), we are essential and I’m completely grateful for that. Not that it has not been stressful during this virus time. One thing I know to do though is pray. I will pray below the prayer I pray every night. Thankful for the thorns, thankful for the lessons. Sometimes I admit they feel like a big fat 2X4 upside my hard head and I know there are times when that is necessary for me to understand and grasp the lesson for me.

So however you look at a thorn just make sure you are asking the right questions. Why does God want me to bear this, what should I gain from having it? Do I consider it a gift?

Dear Heavenly Father

Today I come to you and ask what I ask every night. Lord I ask Your protection for every person reading this, protect them and the families they represent. Lord Protect my granddaughter, my kids, my family and extended family. Please protect my friends, my co-workers and my company. Lord please protect us health wise from this virus – keep it far from us. Protect us also financially from this virus. Help us find the ways to keep essential and help our businesses thrive. Lord I know there are so many out of work and income wise not getting as much coming in as before - in this time and I just ask You to be with us / them and help us work it out for the best / find jobs / keep jobs. Find ways to work with what we are gifted to receive. I thank You for being ever faithful for me, my family, friends and those out there reading this. In Jesus Name - AMEN

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