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I Have This Friend


When we moved back to Texas after being gone for seven years I was out of high school. I knew that in order to make friends I would need to put myself out there and take a chance on people. In my apartments there seemed to be a large mixture of people. All sorts and types there. I sometimes went to the pool but otherwise I knew my next door neighbor but not many other people. Somehow I found out there was a social committee for our apartments, they planned and created some of the parties that were had. I decided to join the committee. Right away I firmly bonded with several of the ladies on this committee. One of them worked at the apartments and was a very outgoing personable type. I loved her east coast accent and very friendly attitude. She never met a stranger. So off we go planning parties, our first one was St Patrick’s day and I remember us decorating the clubhouse, we were putting things on the wall and like the goof ball I am I stapled my finder instead of the wall… we all had a large laugh over that one. I will never live it down. See these ladies are still my friends after thirty-three years. I want to stop a minute and just say this, I certainly don’t think that is normal to stay in touch with friends this long. Perhaps you can say we are all special but I just think we all genuinely care for each other. We accept each other “as is” and celebrate life with friends who feel like family.

Ruth 1:16-17 16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried.

My friend who worked at the apartments is so special, she knows everyone and makes sure she introduces everyone so we all feel comfortable and at home together. There have been so many events over the years, mostly birthday parties or New Year’s Eve… I tell you we have all danced our fair share too. So this friend, especially right now is such a friend. Let me tell you why. We come from different backgrounds and different places – she on the East Coast and me here in Texas so culturally we are different but you would never know from being around us. I love and accept her for who and how she is and she does the same for me. I started writing and she was one who was very enthusiastic about it. Spurring me on and telling me go for it. I get comments on my blogs and as soon as I started it she was one of the first to start reading and has never stopped. She always makes sure she comments. Its most of the time just a short comment but oh how much it means to me. Constant and unwavering friendship, support, love.

In the scripture above Naomi had lost her husband and then shortly thereafter she lost her two sons. Both sons were married to Moabite women (she was Christian). Without a husband to support her she heard about a relative offering to help those in need back to Judah. Ruth was married to one of those sons so she now is a widow, so was the other daughter in law. Both daughters in law said they would go with Naomi but after some convincing Orpah went ahead and returned to her own Mothers home. Ruth, did not, she vowed to stay with Naomi, so she did and the rest is a wonderful story.

Back to my friend and how this fits. Of course they were as different as my friend and I are but again like them, it doesn’t matter. Friendship, Love and bond are more important than blood sometimes.

As I sit here now, I think I must feel like Naomi, having someone who I may not talk to every day, still loves me and still supports me in whatever I do. Cheers me on. Tells me how good and needed these devotionals are, someone who just is solid and so amazing in my life. I likely don’t say this enough but my sweet friend, I love you with all my heart and I cherish our friendship. I know we will be friends another 33 and then some. Thank you so much for your friendship, you love, your support and for just being you!

Heavenly Father, I know that I know – even though I might not have been attending church at the time I met my friend there is no doubt in my mind you brought her and many more in to my life for great reason and I am so grateful. So Grateful! AMEN

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Oct 12, 2021

Annie I know God put us in that path to meet each other. You are my family. I will always be that same person. I am always here for you. I love you so much.❤️


Oct 12, 2021

Annie thank you I will always be your friend. I am so happy you came into my life and will never forget all the great times we have had and we have many many more to come. I went to college to be a social worker instead moved to Texas and went to work in the apartment business instead so I could meet you and our other great friends. Life is so wonderful. Love you❤️

Oct 13, 2021
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I love you too Cheryl, just wanted to honor you as well with my words. You are so precious to me. So with this devotional I wanted to be sure to thank you. But since I didn't ask permission to use your name I didn't knew though. Grin. Yes we will have many more good times to come. I'm so glad you moved to Texas too so I could meet you and we could be sisters from other misters...grin. Hugs


Oct 12, 2021

God's in the details:)

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