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I Am Your Witness

In Biblical times the Israelites witnessed many great things, the parting of the Red Sea, the Passover, the plagues, the Heavenly Fire that led the way out in the desert, Manna from the sky to feed them, water from a rock to quench their thirst, the defeat of armies. In today’s terms witness can be many things. I witnessed a great movie (watching), I witnessed a flash mob (bystander) but the witness I am talking about is that of a testimony. I am going to be that kind of witness. A Testifier.

Psalm 66:16 Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.

I have a coworker who was in an accident recently. He was on his way home from a nice ride on his motorcycle when another man who was not an expert rider began racing and ended up hitting him, sending them both to the hospital. He stayed for a while as they determined his lower leg was not able to be saved, he lost his foot and a portion of his calf. The new leg ends just below his knee.

We were on pins and needles to begin with not knowing how it was going for a while but then we started getting reports and they were really positive. I believe it was about 3 weeks out he was released from the hospital and came up to visit. We all stood in a circle and talked. I recall hearing him say, “this HAD to happen”, “It was Gods will”, I know this he said. I was floored and really in awe of how he was reacting. He was so upbeat and good. Oh he knew it would be a road because he had to totally heal, get some skin grafts and then the prosthetic portion begins, not to mention therapy to get around and begin this new season. I was really encouraged by his positiveness.

He came back to work part time, they made a way for him to work and keep working without having to run around like he did before. It is actually a double win because someone needed to do the office portion too. He is here several hours a day. Our desks are not close so I have to purposefully go say hi unless he comes in the front door near my office. Let me stop and update the injury, his leg is still hurting but not the hard severe pains he had at first, he also had phantom pains. Right now it’s covered and its healing he says, there are a few spots on the bottom now that need to heal or have grafts and they are not healing super-fast but they are healing. The pain comes and goes. We are talking someone who worked out, lifted weights, swam, ran, biked, snowboarded, ski’s. He is an athletic guy. So sitting still and healing is not really in his wheelhouse per say.

So yesterday, another co-worker was telling me that he was having a bad day. If I had time to go speak to him and maybe – hopefully go cheer him up. I talked to him about how much I admire him for his positive attitude. At that moment nothing on my desk mattered, what mattered is the man in front of me and his mental stability because he said he was up and on fire for God, he believes God is all up in this thing and he also has moments of anger that it happened, upset that he will never have HIS foot again, none of the activities will ever be with the same ease they were before. Everything changed and everything got harder. It was almost like he was not really looking forward to the uphill battle. He was seeing the battle instead of the blessings that would come along the way. He is getting married in July, he wants so very much to dance with his future wife, it was hard to watch him say these things, I knew though – it will be the best day ever. He is alive and he will be there to get married.

Last night when I laid down, my mind went over and over and over to him and our conversation. Lord what else can I say, what else is there? Give me the words to say to him what YOU need him to hear. So here is what God gave me. When I saw he was here I waited about an hour and then went to talk to him. His boss was in the room and I said what I said anyways…. I know that I know that I know these are God’s words..not mine… I am just the vessel to speak them to him.

This injury and all you will go through – all you will overcome, all you will do, all you will have, all you will seek – in the hands of a lesser man just would not be as powerful. Your testimony is already a great one, it’s only going to get better.

I have always believed that at jobs of mine there is more to my purpose in being there than just the work I do. It’s about the people and right now, right here it’s about me being Gods messenger to tell you these words. I know my God given gift is as an encourager – and I’m going to do my best for you as that.

I do know there are days when it won’t be as easy, even men as great as Moses had to have help holding up his arms when the battle was raging below, so if you need it – I’m here I will help hold your arms up if needed.

I also know this – I have the joy of watching you overcome all you have, all you will and all along the way you will be building your story, telling it in actions and in words and as I watch I will also share your story – share your testimony, tell how Good God is all the time – because I am your Witness.

I am your Witness – tell your story and let me share it too. I know it will bless many. It already has.

Dear Heavenly Father – Please bring healing here and let this glorious story go forward with healing, love, laughter, many times when You show up and do what only You can do in this story. I thank You that I can have this friend, that I can be his witness. Lord please allow me to have YOUR words not mine when I offer his testimony. Lord Let it bless those reading it. In Jesus Most Precious Name - AMEN

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