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My daughter said something last night that has repeated in my head over and over, when she (my granddaughter) looks back at photos – who will she see there and who will she not see there. I have certain thoughts about that but let me go forward and come back to this, when she thinks back on her childhood, there will be people there (part of her life) and there will not be people there (not involved or as involved). Let’s face it, some people are big in to family and “doing” family and there are some that don’t so much. So as a parent do you mourn those who choose not to be there?

Me – Oh I am ALL IN. I will take every moment I can get. I want to talk to my family, spend time with them, have laughs and make memories. There are times especially in this virus time that getting together is just scary, so how do you handle it? At very best case be super careful when doing it. Give this some thought though - if we don’t spend time, get together, be present- then what? Now stop and think about that. I’m not saying put yourself or anyone else in danger, not saying that at all. We don’t know what tomorrow brings and we can’t predict it. you can’t spend your life living in fear – remember it says 365 times in the Bible- Do NOT fear. We need to be present or today will become past and then there you are.

Back to what I was first talking about -

Matthew 7:24-27 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

So what are we building? Spending time, talking, making memories. Foundations are supposed to be rock steady – unbreakable. Is your foundation good? Are there cracks? I’ve talked to a bunch of people since March and I know all too well by my own experience and what others have told me that this is a tough time we are in right now especially mentally. The best defense is a good offense – building that foundation. Having that will get you through, it will provide that safety net when things get tough. You will have an army of family and friends to help when you are down and when you are up you help them. It’s a win-win. Now more than ever we need to spread the word about Jesus and how much we need to depend on Him in this hard time. He IS our anchor. The Rain will come – but your house will not fall. House in this instance is you. Take care of yourselves and each other. Be intentional about talking to your friends – especially those who live alone. Everyone needs someone.

Dear Heavenly Father, Today I come to You as I do many nights in prayer time and I ask You to bless each person reading this today. I ask You to cover each of them with good health, Keep this virus away and please don’t allow it to affect them financially either. Help us all to see the proper foundation we need to build on and stay on course to keep it strong. Lord if there are others out there in need – give us divine appointments to see those needs and reach out to meet them. Let us be Your hands and feet showing the world the love of Jesus - Amen

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Aug 11, 2020

I love all of these Annie. They are so inspirational. Thank you for doing this.

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