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No time like the present * Two most powerful warriors are patience and time * Time is money * Time waits for no one * Better three hours too soon than a minute too late * Lost time is never found again * Time is the wisest councilor of all * Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend * The trouble is, you think you have time

Teach us to use wisely all the time we have.” Psalm 90:12 (CEV)

It’s funny because I remember as a kid time seemed to be endless, the days seemed to stretch on forever and ever. When I got in my 20’s it seemed to speed up substantially and I was aware that time was something I wanted more of. When I found my faith I learned that time was precious and that how I used my time was of immense importance. It’s interesting how my thoughts above were all about the same thing yet as the years have passed my thought process and understanding have shuffled. What used to be my thinking now has drastically changed. My perspective on time is now sharper and very crystal. I understand more than ever the reasoning behind using time wisely.

This is not a hard concept at all, we do however, take so much advantage of time. It’s sort of like a piece of good chewing gum, you just chew until there is no more flavor. No thought to it just chewing. So how do we stop taking advantage of time? Well let’s see … here are some ideas from the experts…

7 Ways to Make Better Use of Your Time

· Slow down.

· Structure your free time.

· Keep a time diary to see what you're doing wrong.

· Do less.

· Think about what matters most to you.

· Focus on high-leverage activities.

· Know how little time you have, and live accordingly.

God's perfect timing does two things: It grows our faith as we are forced to wait and trust in God and it makes certain that He, and He alone, gets the glory and praise for pulling us through. "My times are in Your hands ..." Psalm 31:15. At the right time, God will provide your need.

For me one thing I always try to do is this, not let time pass in certain situations. Like this, if you say to someone … I will pray for you or a circumstance, then stop and do it. Even if the prayer is a drop kick – speed prayer – still pray. Don’t just say you will and then give a chance to forget because life is busy. I always feel better about myself and having said I would if I do this. it’s simple but really matters. I mean, think about it yourself. If you really needed prayers and asked for some – wouldn’t you really be grateful if it actually happened. The more the better I think. Especially when it comes to talking to God.

The other one I liked on this list is to think about what is most important to you. What is most important to you? perspective in this area is imperative. In the seasons of my life I’m sure this had changed and changed again and changed more. Of course it does because in every life stage your perspective is so different. I remember before my daughter married, her goals were to get through college, get a good degree and then have a glorious career. Once she got married things shifted some and her new focus was on her little new family. Her and the husband were the core of her “most important things”, the job was good and had some priority but certainly not as much as before. Once she became a Mom then it seemed like a reversal of importance completely. Being a Mom put a brand new angle on things for her. Now all of the sudden work was just a means to pay the bills and get things for the baby girl. Now the focus was on ensuring she ate, was she warm enough, was she wet or dry, is her room set up for some fun play. Does she have learning toys, is she getting enough to eat. It’s stunning just how fast and opposite the focus becomes once you are a parent. It is like a eye doctor visit where he turns the nob and bam – things become really focused and clear.

So today – give some thought to what is important to you. How you spend your time. Are you living accordingly?

Be Present in the World - Jesus gave His life so that we may have eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven, but also so that we may enjoy the heaven on earth God has created for us. In the Bible we see how Jesus loved the world and was continuously present in it. To live for Christ, then, means to be present in the world and to appreciate the gift of life that has been given to us. Unfortunately, this is usually easier said than done. Digital entertainment, social media and general busyness are just a few of the distractions contending for our attention. If you want to be closer to Jesus, start by limiting the unfruitful distractions in your life and being more present in the world around you—including with the people around you.

Look for New Ways to Share the Good News - Of course, face-to-face evangelism isn’t the only way to share the Gospel. There are benefits of having access to digital technology. Putting Jesus at the center of your life doesn’t necessarily mean you must forsake things like video games, TV series or social media, but that you should instead look to use these amazing tools to do as God commands and spread the Word. I have heard more folks say negative things about Facebook and I believe that if you allow it to be then it can be a joy thief, it can steal time too. I like to use mine to post cool things – Like my blog posts and other faith related things.

ASK – as God for those divine appointments. The times when you can share a story or your own story and bless someone else. Don’t forget that you might be the only time a person gets to see / experience / hear about Jesus. I will tell you that in almost every case I’ve ever had the joy to experience / share it has double blessed the person and me as well.

Dear Heavenly Father – thank You for time, thank You for allowing us to have time to experience and have joy in the moments. Thank You for showing us the importance of spending the time in a valuable way. Thank You for divine appointments. Just Thank YOU. - Amen

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Nov 30, 2020

This is so wonderful.

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